(The G.O.C.)
(The G.O.C.)
This website is dedicated to the concept of the God Only Christian.
What is a God Only Christian?
A God Only Christian (a.k.a. G.O.C.) is a Christian who believes in God but rejects religion. It's really that simple. What this means is that a GOC is singularly focused on God. And God only.
The GOC, the Animal Kingdom, and Nature
What is the Foundation of a God Only Christian's understanding of the world? A God Only Christian's foundational understanding of the world is the animal kingdom and nature.
This is because a GOC attempts to understand the world in a practical sense as opposed to a higher-level theoretical sense. To a GOC, it is practical to admit that we as humans are in fact a part of the animal kingdom. Admittedly, we have evolved or ... depending on how you look at things ... been blessed with a higher awareness; an expanded sense of self, choice, and being. But we do in fact have the animal as our "base." Therefore, it makes sense to consider our foundation as that of the animal. It certainly does not completely define us, of course not. But in the opinion of the GOC, it is still our baseline. Therefore, the GOC believes that the "animal" in the "human" will always form the base or "denominator" of existence.
For this reason, a GOC maintains their approach to life and living from the baseline of the animal kingdom in nature. A GOC acknowledges that you won't see animals getting in a car and driving to the store; you won't see animals gathered around waiting on another animal to give a speech and tell them what to do; you won't see animals waiting for another animal to tell them the difference between right and wrong. In general, animals make decisions and then receive the consequence of those decisions. They don't ever seek out learning from an outside source. The "learned" information that they use to make decisions is the result of the information they have at birth plus information they pick up as a result of living and breathing every day. A GOC believes this information should be the most trusted information to have and to use as a guide for people.
In the opinion of a GOC, the animals behave this way not because they don't have direction, but because they do have direction. A GOC believes that animals get their direction directly from God. And they function according to that direction. And animals do not take direction from other animals.
God Only Christians function as closely as to the animal kingdom as possible, in an effort to mimic the way God intended for all of his creations to live. Unlike modern day times where people live in a city and take direction from "city leaders," GOCs try to take a minimalist approach to things, instead. A GOC will follow modern day city ordinances and rules because they exist and that is where the GOC resides. A GOC would rarely get involved in anything that does not affect them directly. Their efforts at sustainability center around tending to their friends and family ... to their tribe or circle of friends.
The only leaders in the animal kingdom are the leaders of each family of animals, or each tribe of animals. And this is how a God Only Christian would also see leadership. They try to keep leadership dynamics simple. They try to look to their most immediate counterpart for leadership, in an effort to keep leadership tight, close to home, and relevant. Just like the animals.
The concept of togetherness in the animal kingdom is a very decentralized, tight-knit, small-form-factor organizational concept. This is also the concept embraced by a God Only Christian. A GOC tries not to be a part of a large conglomerate.
Books and Readings
A God Only Christian does not have a book of spirituality. No book of directions. No code or commandments. A GOC knows that God changes his mind all the time. God changes his direction and the direction that he wishes for us, all the time. So, it would be foolish to attempt to bind him by writing down today's guidance, when it might change tomorrow. For this reason, there are no books and no readings. For a God Only Christian, the scripture is whatever God is teaching you, directly, right now.
Existing and "Being" in Silence
A GOC believes that whatever God may be teaching us, it is not for others to know; it is not for others to hear; it is not for others to see. Does God want you to know what he just told me? Great! Then he will tell you, himself. A GOC keeps his or her learning simple, close to the heart, and silent. Why is it possible to hear God's words in silence? Because God Only Christians believe that He does not need to use words to communicate. (A GOC believes that He can use words, but, he does not have to.) As someone who is connected to God, a GOC believes that anyone should be able to receive information from God without the need for words.
The Sixth Sense
A God Only Christian believes that people are all born with a "sixth" sense in addition to our other five senses (i.e., sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell.) A GOC believes that the sixth sense is sort of like telepathy; and promotes a sense of "invisible togetherness." This sixth sense can also be viewed as an empathic feeling or emotion that can be conveyed to others; and others can pick up or receive it depending on their own abilities. In other words, the most important communications from "up high" are in the realm of the six sense, not in the realm of the other five senses.
Safety in Silence
A God Only Christian believes that there is safety in silence.
Why does a GOC believe this? It's simple: because the animals are silent. The rationale goes a little like this: (1) God made the animals, (2) the animals move mostly in silence, (3) the way most animals react to each other is mostly a function of acts, not words or noise, and (4) they have managed to survive for a very long time without much change to the way that they function.
With these 4 points in mind, a God Only Christian reaches the conclusion that the animal system must be a pretty good system that has stood the test of time. Many people believe that all good things have come from God. Therefore, it would hold that the animal system has also come from God. And if that is true, then, it would benefit us to understand it, better. Furthermore, if we make an effort to mimic it as much as possible, it may bring us as much as peace as is enjoyed by the animals. It may bring us a reduction in worry, stress, and burden, as currently enjoyed by the animals.
Therefore, in an effort to live a worry-free and low-burden self-responsible life, a God Only Christian takes it upon himself or herself to make decisions in silence. Of important note here is that these "decisions in silence" are the kinds that deal with the individual outcomes, not outcomes that affect other people or groups. Decisions that have a consequence on others should be communicated to others, especially if they are a member of the tribe. Be that as it may, communication does not have to be in the form of words.
Wordless Communication
If silence is safety, then it would extend from there that wordlessness is the best form of communication. God has been around for a very long time. Therefore, it should be obvious that He is capable of communicating without words. Especially since words and language have only been around for 6,000 years. Therefore, it would extend from there that wordless communication is most likely just as effective as worded communication, and may even be more well-developed.
Intellectual Property
At the present time the concept of a God Only Christian is a closed-concept and the idea is intellectual property. It is not legal for others to call themselves a God Only Christian unless they have permission in writing to do so by those who own this concept, as it is in-fact, in and of itself, intellectual property.
Much of what is written on this website is for entertainment and explanative purposes only. This content has not been created to intentionally create or start any kind of spiritual "movement."
Thanks for stopping by!
Never Has There Ever Been Such an Awakening:
The Awakening that is being referred to here is that of the connection between a God Only Christian and the United States Jewish Community. There has never been an awakening like this before. Never before has there ever been a time in history where a gentile Christian group has made it public that they support the American Jewish Community, even though that community does not believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
Why would a G.O.C. support the Jewish Community? Well, based on the definition of what it means to be a G.O.C., this decision makes sense. You see, as a group who receives instructions directly from God, a G.O.C. would know that there would be no way for them to know what is right or wrong about another religion, another religious group of people, or their claims.
As far as G.O.C.s are concerned, they cannot and should not be the judge of another group's spiritual choices or beliefs. And therefore, by definition, a G.O.C. could not have an opinion on the Jewish belief about Jesus. A G.O.C.'s faith begins and ends with God. That's it. Stop. Done. Finished. End of sentence.
Furthermore, a God Only Christian moves in silence and receives their guidance from God in a wordless manner, internally. Therefore, they wouldn't know whether Jesus was is the Son of God unless they witnessed it, or God told them. For this reason, they simply have "no comment" on the subject. At the same time a G.O.C. loves Jesus just as intensely as a traditional Christian ... because he did great things. A G.O.C. simply has an acknowledgement that they do not know the answer to that most-pressing question, and that they do not want to attempt to know the answer. A G.O.C. would simply wait ... and keep waiting ... until God reveals something on the subject.
What does a God Only Christian think of issues between White Jews and Black Hebrews? Is one fake and the other one real? This question is not up to a God Only Christian to answer. A G.O.C. would love all things close to God and believes that both the White Jews and the Black Hebrews work hard to attempt to be close to God. Therefore, if anything, they are both allies. As far as we know, White Jews made their pilgrimage to Israel in 1837 and the Black Hebrews made their pilgrimage to Israel long ago when Moses led them to the Promised Land.
Are the White Jews and the Black Hebrews the same? And if so, how can that be when they have different skin colors? God Only Christians believe them to be the same because G.O.C.s believe it was God himself who changed the skin colors. At the Tower of Babel, G.O.C.s believe that God did not just confuse the people by creating a bunch of different languages. G.O.C.s also believe that God most likely also changed physical appearances and skin colors. Therefore, everyone on Earth is related, which means that the White Jews are simply descendants of the Black Hebrews.
If the White Jews are descendants of the Black Hebrews, why weren't they in Israel, way back then, before the 1900s? The story of the Black Hebrews and their journey into Israel and their departure from Israel is well-documented. However, the story of the other tribes that also love God and those who has been "spun-off" of the first tribes during the Tower of Babel have stories that have not been told by the Bible. However, that does not mean that these other peoples are not of God.
Scientific evidence suggests that the White Jews found God 900 years after the Black Hebrews witnessed the death of Christ. In 925 A.D., the White tribes in mountains near where Noah landed the ark converted to Judaism and dedicated their lives to God. It is not clear from any discovered artifacts if they have the same kinds of artifacts as the Black Hebrews (Ark of the Covenant, Holy Grail, etc.) but that means nothing. It just means that these tribes have not written down their story, or, if they did, we have not discovered their writings, yet.
What does it mean that the White Jews and the Black Hebrews are related, and both loved by God? It means that God protects the White Jews and also protects the Black Hebrews, especially since the Black Hebrew curse of 400 years discussed in Genesis was lifted in the Year 2019.
When one knows this information, one thing remains clear: we should not allow nor tolerate any efforts to create division between these two groups. All this will do is create a rift between two of God's Chosen Peoples, and de-stabilize the Earth.
Enjoy the Read. Take Head ... Per God.
This video articulates the attitude and position held be God Only Christians on the issue of Judaism for both Whites and Blacks in the United States. While White Jews claim to be authentic, some Black Hebrews claim that they are not. Also, some African Americans believe that they are not real Jews. Some people say that the White Jews call themselves "Jew-ISH" because they are Jewelers ... or because they are "kinda Jewish."
The truth is that by the term "kinda" Jewish most people mean the White Jews were not in Israel at the time of Jesus. But does that matter? No. Why? Because it just means that if it is true then they were somewhere else loving God and receiving God's Covenant. White Jews in America and elsewhere are just as authentically Jewish as the Black Hebrews.
If God didn't give you what you wanted but gave you what you needed ... would that be enough?
Do you want Him for what He can do for you?
Or do you want Him because He created You?
Does He have to do something for you for you to believe in Him?
Or ... do you simply believe in His love, just because?
The God Only Christian
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